Sunday, August 07, 2005


Oh, my god, are women ever catty or what? Is it even possible for a group of women to co-exist without it eventually getting mean and personal???? I don't think so! You might wonder how I can say all this when I am a woman; well, that's HOW I can say it, and in my experience it is IMPOSSIBLE for a group of women to get along indefinitely before someone gets their feelings hurt, and goes off whining about it, not necessarily telling the truth about the situation. And then it just escalates from there.

I have found that I MUCH prefer the company of men as friends. They are so much easier and MUCH less complicated! Plus, I actually understand them. It truly makes me wish I wasn't gay sometimes. LOL

Anyway, that's my rant for today!


sandegaye said...

Hi Butchy.. yes, women can be so passive/aggressive at times. I worked as an RN for 26 yrs & we did our dead level best to keep that whole career path torn up w/ strife. Nurses prove, like guppies, to 'eat their own'. That's what kept the pay & benefits so shitty.. they never united to uplift one another.
I feel your rant.. ;o)

Butchy said...

LOL Sande, thanks. I know you do "feel my rant"! I was a CNA for 16 years and know EXACTLY what you are talking about! Aides "eat their own", too! Thanks for the comment!